

Hugo+Github Pages+Github Action Blog Solution I Building a Personal Blog With Hugo

I spent some time rebuilding “猫狗窝” (a website for cats and dogs) using Hugo, hosted it on Github Pages, and implemented CI/CD using Github Actions. It has been a hassle-free process, allowing me to focus on writing content and easily publishing it. This article is a continuous work-in-progress, allowing me to write and publish

建站第十一篇 Hugo+Github Pages+Github Action博客方案之三——配置Github Action实现自动发布

本系列包括三部分: 搭建本地服务 发布到Github Pages 配置Github Action实现CI/CD 本篇为第三部分——配置Github Action实

建站第十篇 Hugo+Github Pages+Github Action博客方案之二——将搭建好的本地博客托管到github

花了一些时间用hugo重新搭建了猫狗窝,托管在github page上,又利用github action实现了CI/CD。非常省心!做到了专注写文,直接发布的效果。

建站第九篇 Hugo+Github Pages+Github Action博客方案之一——使用Hugo搭建个人博客

花了一些时间用hugo重新搭建了猫狗窝,托管在github page上,又利用github action实现了CI/CD。非常省心!做到了专注写